Beginning the basement transformation

Just started reno on our townhouse basement this weekend. The previous owners put up some shabby wood paneling which was grubby, but made for a pretty easy tear down. It took us about a day to get everything removed, giving us a good head start for the rebuild and sheetrock that will come next.

From the Carlson bathroom: It's a wrap

This wrap is the perfect office staple. If only it covered my cold, shaky hands while typing..

I'll give you the moon

Me and the mister were fortunate to spend our honeymoon in beautiful Kauai, Hawaii. It was tropical and perfect in so many ways. The lifestyle on Kauai was low-key and felt much like the small towns that sprinkle the outskirts of Minneapolis.

Photo Nov 28, 5 36 26 PMPic2IMG_2385IMG_2319IMG_2615Pic1IMG_2248IMG_2534IMG_2575IMG_2461IMG_2259 Photo Nov 28, 10 44 17 PMIMG_2379 Photo Nov 30, 4 56 19 PMIMG_2424 Photo Nov 28, 5 49 42 PM

From the Carlson bathroom: Mixing patterns

Not sure why, but I've never been one to mix patterns. Slowly warming up to it. Photo Oct 15, 5 03 38 PM

A kitchen makeover

Everyone loves a good makeover! Today, the kitchen plays my victim. I'm slowly trying to beautify how I can as we're renting temporarily. The yellow walls were a little much. Too cheery. Especially since I love a good gray and dreary wall. Step one, make a mess. Step two, prime. Step three, paint. Here's a few from the beginning stage. Stay tuned!

From the Carlson bathroom: It's getting darker

As the days become darker, so does my wardrobe. Maybe I should try to wear more color...

From the Carlson bathroom: Jewels

I love me some neck bling. Also blue and gray. And messy ponytails.

From the Carlson bathroom: Pop of pink

Things I'll miss about living with a girl: Stealing scarves on the daily. Thanks Hollis.

Pumpkin picking

Spent a beautiful fall day at the orchard with my roomie, Holly. Brought home pumpkins, apple cookies, apple donuts and apple cider = win.